5 Ways to Discover Meaning in Your Daily Life

Life is filled with meaningful occurrences, every day, every minute and even every second. Unfortunately, we often miss the signs of meaningful activities around us because we are caught up in stress and anxiety. We may find ourselves complaining about a job, getting annoyed by family members, or just sitting there with a feeling of dissatisfaction.

We may attempt to find a common negative patterns to overcome, but often we give up and fall back into the same daily patterns that keep us stuck in a life without meaning. They key to getting out of this funk is to notice patterns that are keeping us stuck. This isn’t easy.
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How to Make Yourself Available for Miracles and Why They Aren’t Happening Yet

Sometimes we find ourself stuck in a place where we don’t feel good and desire one thing that we believe will make us feel better. We convince ourself that we can not even live without this one thing.

Thoughts will start circling in our heads: “How can I achieve this?”, “How can I have this one thing?”

Have you been in this situation? Continue reading “How to Make Yourself Available for Miracles and Why They Aren’t Happening Yet”

Feedback to my post “The past is not the future”

Thank you for the feedback to my latest blog post about how the past is not the future.

There was one interesting question if there is a way to explain the topic in a more formal mathematical way. And yes, all our minds do not work in the same way, and since it is my fundamental belief that there is no right or wrong way of seeing our world, I looked into it and want to share the results with you:

Continue reading “Feedback to my post “The past is not the future””